It's Christmas Day at 3.34am in my house with my Mum and my Dad I was downstairs to see Santa.  A present flew down the chimney  I was so happy to see a black box. It was a big square box with a pink bow.  

100WC - Callum and Ben (Y.7 #IPACA) - CLICK HERE TO COMMENT

I was asleep and there was a giant bang at my front door, it was Jimmy the local ugly troll. He tripped over the door step and he face planted the front door. I said what happened to your face? I was delivering this box to you when I face planted your door it hurt I think I have a Brocken nose and you might  need a new door "Jimmy the troll said". Do you want me to fix your new door when you buy it? No thank-you, I fink not - I will get my dad to do it.


It was midnight and Mum and Step Dad heard a bang! They thought it was Santa dropping something down the Chimney, they thought this was good. I was in bed and I thought the noise was scary. Mum opened the black and pink box which had a pink ribbon on it, it was really cool box. As she opened it there was a laptop and it was exiting.

100WC - Tyler and Phillippa (Y.7 #IPACA) - - CLICK HERE TO COMMENT

On Christmas Eve the door bell went, I went to the door but nobody was there but a weird present was on the floor. I know the rules but I didn't know what to do? I thought in my head, shall I open it or not? I thought that I can't open it if my Mum and Dad said I couldn't. I took it into the back shed and I slowly opened it....there was a massive steep hole so I jumped in it!!! I fell and landed on very bright hot surface. I seemed to be in a desert......

Our First Post

Today we had our second lesson together and the learners were really enthusiastic about the 100 Word Challenge (for more information check out: http://100wc.net/). The below is the prompt for the writing above. Please support this project by adding your comments to the learners work.

The following is taken from http://100wc.net - The prompt this week is a very seasonal one and a picture. I want you to create a piece about this box. Don’t just list out lots of content. Really think about a mystery box with a bow on it.

As usual, you have 100 words only. If you are new to the 100wc, please read the tabs at the top. If you are still stuck, please leave a note in the comments below or tweet me @theheadsoffice.