There was a creepy figure in front of me..... So I ran like a tiger, to  my moms bed room. When I ran in my mums bedroom my mum wasn't there so I got really scared and hid in my mums bed then suddenly there was a lot of bangs it sounded like somebody was stomping up the stairs then it stopped. In the cold it was all silent I shouted hello is anybody here then  I looked up there were nearly 100 people running scared just like me...it was a new start for us all...

This post was written collaboratively by a Year 7 intervention group at IPACA.


  1. I really like this one. My favourite of these I have read so far. I thought it was going to be about tigers and then it seemed to me to be like a waking nightmare. Good effort!

  2. Great use of similies... You have set the scene really well, I feel I could be one of the 100 running too. Could you have described the creepy figure in more detail? MD

  3. Hi there, I like this one a lot. I read it to my 14yr old son and he was desperate to know what you were hiding from. We thought that a few commas, (carefully placed) would increase the tension and turn it from good work, to great work. What do you think?

  4. Hannah Team 100WC15 January 2013 at 03:20

    Hi guys, thank you for your 100WC entry it was very exciting to read. I also think that some commas would have broken uo the story a little and made it flow more. I would love to know what happened next!
